Thank you, thank you, thank you

To all who kindly sent a b-day greeting my way, thank you so much. Some of you know I have spent some of my time in recent years denigrating social media and such, but at times like this, when I see your names and your lovely faces in the little thumbnail pix, I realize you all still mean a lot to me and I am humbled that you find time in your busy lives to remember this old journalist. Thank you so much.

Just a quick update on life: We are now in PA helping our daughter and son-in-law care for our four grandsons. In free time, I am doing some woodworking, taking long walks (approx. 10 miles on my birthday 🙂 and working on a new book. Working title: This Mere Existence, in which the author is focusing on human rights and all the ways they have been denied to humanity over the millenia and trying to suggest ways we (average, ordinary, everyday people) can come together around the world to retrieve and restore inalienable, inherent, sacred human rights to all of humanity (and, of course, put an end to the torture, mayhem and killing). I welcome your thoughts on such a venture. Best to all.
